#1: ‘Going To Georgia’ – The Mountain Goats

For many people, there's a crystallising moment in which they can recall discovering their favourite band. Maybe they saw them support another band? Maybe they saw their latest single on MTV? Or maybe, in my case, they saw a movie that had nothing to do with the band. Yes, back in the mid-'00s, I found … Continue reading #1: ‘Going To Georgia’ – The Mountain Goats

#2: ‘Shitty Future’ – The Bronx

I would have been just fresh out of high school when The Bronx came my way. While I knew they'd been around for a while, and while I knew of their Mariachi El Bronx alter egos, I had never managed to actually hear their music. Like most musical discoveries, The Bronx came to me thanks to … Continue reading #2: ‘Shitty Future’ – The Bronx